Comprehensive Apple Error Codes

Explore our extensive database of over 5,000 Apple Ecosystem error codes. From macOS to iOS, tvOS, watchOS, and visionOS, each code is presented with its name and a concise description to help you quickly pinpoint and resolve issues.

Whether you’re a developer refining an app or a user troubleshooting a system glitch, this resource empowers you with the knowledge to decode cryptic errors and find actionable solutions. No more guesswork—just clear guidance to keep your projects and devices running smoothly.

Number Name & Description Platforms Framework Header
There is no outstanding MobileMe request to process.
iOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS Security SecBase.h
MobileMe request is already in progress, so a new request cannot be started.
iOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS Security SecBase.h
MobileMe request was queued and will be processed later.
iOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS Security SecBase.h
MobileMe request was redirected to another server or service.
iOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS Security SecBase.h
MobileMe server reports the requested item or record already exists.
iOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS Security SecBase.h
General MobileMe server error.
iOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS Security SecBase.h
MobileMe server is not available or cannot be reached.
iOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS Security SecBase.h
MobileMe server returned a general service error.
iOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS Security SecBase.h
The module manager failed to initialize.
iOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS Security SecBase.h
The module manager was not found or is unavailable.
iOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS Security SecBase.h
Verification of a module's manifest fails.
iOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS Security SecBase.h
The module is not loaded and cannot perform operations.
iOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS Security SecBase.h
Mini-program signature is invalid or corrupted.
iOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS Kernel SecBasePrivate.h
Multiple executable segments were found when only one was expected.
macOS Security CSCommon.h
Multiple private keys encountered or used incorrectly.
iOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS Security SecBase.h
Multiple private keys encountered or used incorrectly.
iOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS Kernel SecBasePrivate.h
Multiple values for the specified attribute are not supported.
iOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS Security SecBase.h
General network failure that prevented the operation from completing.
iOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS Security SecBase.h
No access rights for the keychain item.
iOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS Security SecBase.h
No access rights for the keychain item.
iOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS Kernel SecBasePrivate.h
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