Comprehensive Apple Error Codes

Explore our extensive database of over 5,000 Apple Ecosystem error codes. From macOS to iOS, tvOS, watchOS, and visionOS, each code is presented with its name and a concise description to help you quickly pinpoint and resolve issues.

Whether you’re a developer refining an app or a user troubleshooting a system glitch, this resource empowers you with the knowledge to decode cryptic errors and find actionable solutions. No more guesswork—just clear guidance to keep your projects and devices running smoothly.

Number Name & Description Platforms Framework Header
Certificate’s host name does not match the expected domain name.
iOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS Security SecBase.h
Failure with the identity provider process or configuration.
iOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS Security SecBase.h
Database blob is incompatible or has an unexpected format.
iOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS Security SecBase.h
The field format is incompatible or not supported.
iOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS Security SecBase.h
Key blob is incompatible with the current cryptographic environment.
iOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS Security SecBase.h
The version specified is incompatible with the operation.
iOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS Security SecBase.h
Certificate revocation check could not be completed fully.
iOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS Security SecBase.h
Operation not allowed or failed in DarkWake
iOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS Security SecBase.h
The input length is incorrect or unsupported.
iOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS Security SecBase.h
Client ID is insufficient for the requested operation.
iOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS Security SecBase.h
The provided credentials are insufficient to perform the requested action.
iOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS Security SecBase.h
User interaction not permitted for security operation
iOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS Security SecBase.h
User interaction is required for the operation.
iOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS Security SecBase.h
User interaction is required for the operation.
iOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS Kernel SecBasePrivate.h
Internal security framework error; operation failed unexpectedly.
iOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS Kernel SecBasePrivate.h
Security internal component error.
iOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS Security SecBase.h
Internal error within the security system.
iOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS Security SecBase.h
The authority specified for the CRL is invalid or not recognized.
iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS Security SecBase.h
The access credentials provided are invalid or improperly configured.
iOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS Security SecBase.h
The access request is invalid or improperly formatted.
iOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS Security SecBase.h
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