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MacCleanse 8.1.4 released!

Version 8.1.4 – May 8, 2020
Requirements: This version requires at least Mac OS X 10.13 (High Sierra).
Upgrade Notes: This upgrade is free for users owning an active subscription or a non-subscription "lifetime license." No action is required other than downloading the new version from our web site and unlocking as normal with an e-mail address. For all other users, orders for the current version can be purchased on our web site.
New Feature: Added ability to detect unsupported 32-bit apps on Catalina.
New Feature: Now uses App Transport Security to connect to Koingo severs on HTTPS when processing update checking, registration, and bug reporting.
Bug Fix: App now scans /Applications and not /System/Applications in various spots.
Bug Fix: Fixed alert icon canvas showing upside down alert icon on non-Retina.
Coming Soon: Much more efficient way to recognize duplicate files.

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