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Thrilling Annoucement!

Apologies in advance for the frequency of e-mails lately. Usually we don't message more than once per month, but this is incredibly exciting news!

"Millionaire James Harvey has died and his son inherited it all. Now he is missing. It is your job to solve the mystery!" This line of text, long broken web URLs, and shreds of pages from our original web site were all we had left of our original game "Mystery Island." However, thanks to one very dedicated Mac user, after ten years of searching, we now have the full copy of the gamein our hands!

Mystery Island (not to be with Mystery Island II), was a game developed by Josh, Koingo Software's founder, in April of 1999 at the age of 14. It is a symbolic link in the history of Koingo as it marked the first title released under the Koingo Software label versus Koingo Games.

If you're up some good old corny fun, go and grab that Mac OS 9 machine you have hiding in the closet and fire it up or download SheepShaver. The game is now hosted on our web site permanently. The download comes with both a self executable file and a HyperCard stack. In theory, the stack should run in HyperCard 2.4.1 on Mac OS 7.0 and later with QuickTime 3.0 installed. Same goes for the application, without the requirement for HyperCard.

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